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Celiac Disease


Growing up, I always had a stomach ache. It wasn’t just the occasional discomfort but a constant, gnawing pain that seemed to have no end. As a child, I was often fatigued, my growth was slower than my peers, and I had frequent bouts of diarrhea. My parents and I chalked it up to a sensitive stomach or stress from school, but the symptoms only worsened with time.

In high school, things took a turn for the worse. I started experiencing severe abdominal pain, bloating, and weight loss. My skin became pale, and I developed a rash that wouldn’t disappear. Concentrating in class was nearly impossible because of the brain fog. Socially, I became withdrawn because I was always feeling unwell and didn’t want to be a burden to my friends.

After countless visits to different doctors, I was finally referred to a gastroenterologist who decided to test me for celiac disease. When the results came back positive, I felt both relief and despair. Relief because I finally had an answer, but despair because I learned I could no longer eat foods containing gluten. Bread, pasta, cakes, and cookies – all my favorite foods – were suddenly off-limits.

The transition to a gluten-free diet was challenging. At first, I struggled with finding safe and satisfying alternatives. I had many slip-ups and accidental glutenins, which would set me back and cause my symptoms to flare up again. It felt like I was navigating a minefield.

One day, while researching gluten-free diets, I stumbled upon the benefits of incorporating millets into my meals. Millets are naturally gluten-free, rich in nutrients, and have been a staple in many traditional diets around the world. I decided to give them a try.

I started by replacing my usual breakfast cereals with millet porridge. It was a simple change, but the difference was remarkable. I felt more energized and less bloated. Encouraged, I began experimenting with millet-based recipes. I made millet salads, pilafs, and even millet-based bread and cookies. The versatility of millet amazed me, and I found myself enjoying cooking and eating again.

Over the next few months, my symptoms began to fade. The abdominal pain and bloating became rare occurrences. My energy levels improved, and the brain fog lifted. I started gaining weight healthily, and the rash that had plagued me for so long disappeared. For the first time in years, I felt like myself again.

The positive changes didn’t go unnoticed. My parents were overjoyed to see me thriving, and my friends remarked on how much happier and more vibrant I seemed. I became more active socially and academically, no longer held back by constant discomfort and fatigue.

Reflecting on my journey, I realized that my diagnosis was a turning point. It forced me to take control of my health and make conscious choices about what I put into my body. Embracing a gluten-free diet and incorporating millet was the key to my recovery from celiac disease.

Now, I’m an advocate for awareness about celiac disease and the benefits of gluten-free diets. I share my recipes and experiences with others who are newly diagnosed, hoping to inspire them and make their transition smoother. My story is a testament to the power of dietary changes in managing health conditions. It’s not always easy, but with determination and the right choices, recovery is possible.

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