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Blood Pressure


Hi, I am Mark, for months, I had been dealing with a nagging pain in my upper back that wouldn't go away. No matter how many new mattresses or pillows I tried, or how many exercises I performed, the pain persisted. Painkillers provided only temporary relief. One sunny afternoon, while gardening, I had a small accident, resulting in a cut that required stitches. It was during this visit to the doctor that my blood pressure was checked, and it was alarmingly high. The doctor explained that this silent condition had been going undetected, acting as a "silent killer." Immediate steps had to be taken, and I was prescribed medication, including blood thinners, to manage the dangerously high blood pressure.

This was the first time I looked at the positive side of getting injured and how it helped get my high Blood Pressure detected. Determined to turn things around, I embraced the challenge of making significant lifestyle changes. My journey began with a deep dive into healthier eating habits. My diet had a colorful array of organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Every meal became a step towards a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and healthy fats. Fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi became regular additions, promoting a healthy gut. Exercise also became an essential part of my routine. Gone were the days of intense, breath-stealing workouts. Instead, I adopted gentler, non-aggressive forms of exercise. Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation,

became a morning ritual. These activities invigorated my body and brought a sense of peace and relaxation.

Stress management was another crucial aspect. I discovered the calming effects of mindfulness and meditation. Every evening, after a long day, I would sit quietly, practicing deep-breathing exercises and letting go of the day’s worries. Journaling became a nightly habit, a way to express my thoughts and emotions, and understand triggers for stress, anger, or fear.

Over three months, I saw remarkable changes. The once-persistent upper back pain vanished, and my blood pressure readings normalized. I felt more energetic, happier, and more positive. The combination of dietary changes, regular physical activity, and stress management techniques had worked wonders.

I continue to follow my healthy routine and it is helping me realize what life can be with vibrant energy. One must make these changes to see what lies on the other side of health.

Written By Team Organic Chain

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